Man on Wire Response

Phillip Petit is quite the character to say the least. The film portrayed him as being playful, zealous, charismatic, theatrical, and an overall very likable person. Furthermore, the surprisingly unwavering loyalty of his friends surprised me especially his girlfriend who claimed she didn’t truly have a destiny of her own her destiny was to help Phillip achieve his dream. Although his relentless dream of walking between the Twin Towers was a bit far-fetched and slightly odd it was extremely admirable. There is a strange beauty in the scenes where he finally achieves this. The idea of being in this kind of surreal isolation above a beautiful city living out a dream which nobody thought feasible is absolutely astounding.

Unfortunately, the aftermath of Petit’s achievement had me frustrated and saddened. I think Petit let the adrenaline rush and overwhelming moment of fame get to his head. He seemed to have disregarded the devotion of the loved ones who helped him fulfill his aspirations and move past that era of his life. Although the interviews with his girlfriend and closest companions revealed their resignation at Petit’s negligence after his huge achievement I could see that they were still hurt.

As he breaks out into a smile with the comfort of the tightrope beneath his feet in complete certainty I was struck with a feeling of admiration and jealousy that he had found something in his life that he was so passionate about, something he was more than willing to die for. I found myself inspired to seek out something which I love that much in the world that I can utterly devote myself to so entirely and secu

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