Man on a Fire Escape

The question I have from the poem, “Man on a Fire Escape”, is why the man went out onto the fire escape. Even the man himself cannot recall why he left his bedroom in order to enter onto the fire escape. It does not seem anything special about the evening brought him outside, as “It was just an ordinary autumn twilight”. While it certainly seems insignificant, if the man does not go out to the fire escape then there is no poem. If he never goes outside, there is no ambiguous ending because he probably never sees the same images, certainly not the same way he does from the fire escape.

Room of Return

In the poem, “Room of Return”, I cannot figure out why the character ever left his apartment. By the way he describes the room, it is clear he did not take his things when he left, so how could he have left for years without taking his belongings? While I cannot figure out why he left his apartment, it seems like he returns to the room because he sees something new in his city. As the second to last line shows, “Tiny glimmer again in this city,” the character sees new hope in his city.

Cold day for the Pulaski Day Parade

I was at the Pulaski Day Parade yesterday like all Polish people from New Jersey and New York. (The reason I mention New Jersey first is because almost all of the floats were from New Jersey.) It was rather cold on that day, and I only had a Polish t-shirt and shorts on. Luckily, my friend let me borrow his sweat shirt. I think that the pretty Ms. Polonias must have been really cold in their dresses in the parade.