American Journey Review

This movie explained the journey of Robert Frank, a photographer, when he took photos across the United States of America and put them together in a book. Robert Frank was a man born in Switzerland and raised in Germany. He wrote, well put a bunch of photos together and called it a book called “The American.” I believe he named it that way because he had captured images of people doing their common activities in different parts of the country, rather than showing a few similar photos and claiming they represent everyone. He took photos of working class people living their demotic lives, rather than experienced performers or scientists.

American Journey

For the most part I really disliked the production of the film itself. It was literally painful to watch a film that was 75% blurred throughout the journey in Robert Franks footsteps. I guess it most likely was done on purpose, but it just doesn’t seem worth doing in a logical sense. I think that sole aspect alone would turn away many viewers.

There was one thing that stood out to me, and stuck with me throughout the film however. That one scene where it was stated that both passion and purpose are necessary. One cannot exist without the other, it just doesn’t work that way. Well, those are my short thoughts about that film.


Fall for Dance!

That day was a pretty great overall day. My group went out a couple hours before the performance to take pictures of public art, and afterwards we ate at Shake Shack, chilled at Starbucks, and then watched the performance!

Overall, the entire performance was really, really good. I have a ton of respect for the dancers and their ability to do what they do. The first half of the performance, although it was good, and required much skill, those types of dances don’t interest me too much. I didn’t enjoy the first half as much as I did the second. But man, was I glad that they ended the second half with strong performances that I truly enjoyed. Shout outs to the Wang Ramirez duo who kept me on the edge of my seat during their performance, and were nice enough to take a picture with us afterwards! The intricacy, preciseness, and story within each of their moves were breathtaking needless to say. I also thoroughly enjoyed the last performance, as it was not only powerful, but humorous as well. They lightened up the mood and created a fun and interactive performance for the entire audience. Much respect for every dancer that performed.
