Discussion: Dance

I am going to start a general, open-to-all discussion about dance. Feel free to add a comment anytime and pose more questions. These are some suggestions to spark a comment:

What is dance? What is the difference between dancing and everyday movement? If there is a difference, where is the borderline? If not, should dance still be an art? (and if it’s not an art, why is this performance included in our course?)

What do you expect to see at the City Center? What is, if any, your prejudice about this performance?

2 thoughts on “Discussion: Dance

  1. Everyday movement could include dance because dance involves movement in rhythm to music. Sometimes, when I ride the subway listening to my ipod, I notice all the straphangers shake due the vibrations of the train, so everyone does a little dance to my personal music. However, most dances involve voluntary movement, so I expect the dancers at City Center to perform some unique, voluntary movements in sync with music being played.
    I have watched dance performers in the subway several times, so I expect Fall for Dance at City Center to be significantly better because rather than watching a performance coming home from school or work, people take time out of their day to come and pay for watching this. By the way, I like those performances in the subway, so Fall for Dance should be good.

  2. “people take time out of their day to come and pay for watching this.”
    so paid + sponsored = better?

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