Just Kids differences between Patti and Me

This book tells the story of Patti Smith’s process of becoming an artist. Like Kevin mentioned in class, I’m glad I’m not going to be an artist. Smith does not provide a good example for us college students because she dropped out of college and decided not to be a teacher, her initial goal. When I found out she did this, I thought she made a big mistake. I know college will help me pursue and gain experience to have a good job, so that my future can be secure. Smith overall seems to be completely different from me.

Throughout the book, Smith believes that her emotions are the most important, while I claim that cerebral thinking is paramount in people’s lives. In addition, Smith barely mentions her children. In fact, she neglected to talk about them so much that I did not associate her with having any kids until someone said she doesn’t talk about them in the novel. I plan on making my children a priority in my adult life. I plan to look out for my kids to make sure they have a successful future like me.

One thought on “Just Kids differences between Patti and Me

  1. Hi Adrian,
    I liked your comparisons between Patti and yourself, though I must say, I think she deserves a little more credit! I don’t think she really meant to neglect her kids from her memoir because she doesn’t care for them or something. It’s a memoir, so it’s going to be very much centered on the person whose life she is recounting. I don’t think there are too many sections of the book where anecdotes about her kids would fit in organically. But, she is writing a sequel, so maybe her kids will hold a central role there! Remember what Professor Drabik always tells us: all of art is selection!

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