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Welcome to Seminar 2 with Professor Lobel

January 25th, 2010

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  1. February 2nd, 2010 at 20:28 | #1

    (I hope I am doing this in the right place on the blog)
    After learning today in class what we were going to be doing this semester- in terms of learning about migration, immigration, and of course, food- I became quite excited. As any food lover would, knowing that a lot of the class revolves around what food brings to the table (not literally), in terms of culture, I feel as though I will have a lot to contribute. This will also make the classes we have really interesting, as luckily, the people from Macaulay are from all walks of life. Even after the introductions we had today, I remembered, as I often forget, how diverse we are! The food that each of us associates with has some sort of reference to what our nationality is like, and even gives insight into our family life. I am hoping to learn a lot more about how food and culture takes affect in New York City. I have lived in NYC my entire life, and I even said it on the blog last semester, but I have rarely taken advantage of what this beautiful city has to offer me. In this upcoming class, I hope to learn more about culture that takes affect because of the people in NYC and not through the most obvious ways. I was really excited to take advantage of the things we could do with Arts in NYC, and I hope to expand what I do even more with this upcoming class. All in all, I’m really excited!

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