Final Project Ideas

Hi Class!

Great to see you yesterday evening.

We can use this discussion category as a space to share ideas about the final project. We will need to finalize our idea by March 31, in order to be finished the final web project by May 5.

Here is the link to the site Professor Rosenblum’s class made last year: 

Here’s some information about the Domestic Workers United oral history exhibit I was talking about. This may be something you wish to work into the class project, or an opportunity you decide to pursue on your own:

Internship Opportunity

If you’re interested in the type of storytelling students did for the New York Dreams project, you might also be interested in an opportunity to Intern with Domestic Workers United. We can talk more in class about how working with this organization might intersect with your final website projects.

They are looking for interns with a background in art history, oral history, material culture, museum studies, labor studies, social sciences, or humanities for a graduate-level Spring and/or Summer 2015 internship assisting DWU with developing, producing, and curating the union’s 15th anniversary gala event and exhibition.  The event and exhibition will tell the story of the DWU union’s history and achievements in organizing and advocating for the rights of multicultural domestic workers, incorporating the union’s archival materials. DWU’s archival holdings include photographs, audiotapes, videotapes, and many other primary source documents and items, such as membership ID cards, Nanny Training Certificates, employer/employee contracts, bill of rights documents, worker surveys, protest signs and banners, awards, and more. Videorecorded field interviews with the union’s founders and members, to further document their work through personal narrative (oral history), may also be required.  Candidates with bilingual skills (English/Spanish, English/French, English/Kreyol), previous experience with exhibition development, or training in ethnographic fieldwork are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information, contact: gabrielle (dot) berlinger (at) bgc (dot) bard (dot) edu