Racial Representation in Hamilton and Rent
How do two musicals from different eras demonstrate racial representation?
How do two musicals from different eras demonstrate racial representation?
This project features 3 collages, comprised of different forms of art and details the journey one can take to achieve diversity.
The City’s plan is a great opportunity for the City to reduce inequality in neighborhoods previously underserved by green infrastructure, as well as create new sources of ecosystem services such as water absorption and reduction of particulate matter and CO2 in the air. By planting trees only in neighborhoods that make the City look good rather than benefit communities that need them, or by planting trees that don’t maximize sustainability, the City could be wasting the 136 million in taxpayer dollars that it plans to spend on its tree planting plan.
An audio file to be listened to riding the Q or B from Newkirk Plaza to Sheepshead Bay that highlights the ethnic backgrounds of those who populate those neighborhoods.
We examine an array of nation-sanctioned violence against minority groups in America through art, with pieces that depict noticeable, violence-induced absences and convey themes of delayed justice.
An analysis of the effects of societies expectations and racialized stigma within the black community and from other races through Suzan-Lori Parks, TopDog/UnderDog and Carrie Mae Weems, Ain’t Jokin.
Lincoln Center, a cultural center in New York City, was built on the destruction of the neighborhood of San Juan Hill, a thriving multicultural enclave. While Lincoln Center’s cultural importance cannot be understated, its displacement of thousands calls into question whether culture was cultivated or destroyed.
New York experience is incomplete without the MTA. However, the beauty surrounding these stations gets ignored in our busy lives. Our project intends to identify the subway art throughout NYC.
The Arts in NYC Seminar emphasized that NYC is our classroom! While we have heard this statement so many times, we decided to document our journey exploring this truth.
A curated art exhibit of 4 texts based off on the concept of “concentric circles” titled “Where Are You in All of This?