John Singer Sargent Portrait: Madame X

DT91 Original Portrait of Madame X

creative project 1.2 Variation #1

12049032_898975213489799_1623994903_n Variation #2

creative project 1 Variation #3


  1. photographerkt18

    Your first version is very similar to the original Madam X; you really managed to capture the spirit of the original drawing. The lighting and coloring is almost identical. I also really love your variations. I loved how your second drawing is contour instead of shaded. Also, the last picture had very nice tonal range; all different shades of grey are really interesting. It’s as if the subject is trapped in a jail, which could represent how most artists sometimes feel caged by expectations.

  2. emilyweiss

    I am impressed at how you were able to mimic Madame X with your first portrait, with the positioning and coloring, yes, but also with the feeling that comes from the woman in the painting. We cannot quite connect with her and the same goes for the subject in your recreation. Also, in your second variation of Sargent’s painting, I felt that the outline of the woman reflects even more how she represents someone that cannot be read or understood. She is untouchable and unobtainable and you did a great job showing that in your second drawing of just the empty silhouette of the figure.

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