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Monthly Archives: September 2013

boat tour

About a week ago MICEFA paid for us all to go on a boat cruise down the Seine! Not only did we get to see beaucoup de beautiful bridges and monuments, we were each given a ticket for a free crêpe and drink… my first crepe in Paris! My only crêpe in paris! My street has […]

the hostel reflection

Pun intended but not true. This is not a hostile reflection, I promise. My only complaint is in regards to internet access- un petit probleme in an otherwise great place. I stayed for 6 nights at the Bureau des Voyages de la Jeunesse (BVJ) Louvre hostel in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. It’s right next […]


I’ve hit a bit of a low point this weekend… nothing too dramatic, I promise. I haven’t been checked into a hospital or had my purse stolen. It’s just that I have no access to my bank account, no cash, no metro tickets, and no internet. Exagerating on the internet a little- Victoria is graciously […]

mon packing process

Packing was a hot mess. I started Sunday for a Tuesday morning departure, which might have been ok if packing didn’t also mean cleaning the entire room (so it can be used as a guest room while I’m gone). Oh my gosh what a mess it was. I had clothing strewn everywhere and furniture to […]