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mon camera

J’ai un camera! Un appareil-photo!

That sounds pretty stupid. But anyway here it is!


This is just a photo from amazon. I do not yet have the camera. This image is for illustrative purposes only. Do enjoy.

I ordered a real life fancy-pants camera… the Canon Rebel T3. Isn’t it beautiful??? This has, however, been my greatest progress in the last two weeks, so I can’t frolic and celebrate just now. I have yet to purchase my plane ticket and organize all my paperwork… and I still have to get traveler’s insurance and work out student loan options. Quelle something!

I also want to transfer my trip money to a larger bank so I have easier access here and abroad. Right now it’s in a local NYC bank and my only other personal account is at an even smaller community bank here upstate. From what I’ve read so far it seems that Bank of America might be my best option… apparently they’re part of the Global ATM Alliance with BNP Paribas in France. Theoretically if I use the right ATMs I can withdraw money without any fees or conversion charges, which is pretty awesome. If anyone knows more though please let me know. Is this the greatest option ever or will I regret this for the rest of my days? Comment or use the contact page!


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