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In February I visited Strasbourg, a city at the eastern border where France meets Germany, with my mom and her boyfriend, Tom. Strasbourg is in the Alsace region where the mix of French and German culture is just perfect. Food from both cultures… signs in both languages… and I could see mountains. German mountains. Ah.


We took a train early Friday from Gare de l’Est that left us at Gare de Strasbourg just two hours later. Mom and Tom checked into the hotel just across from the station while I hid in McDonald’s (the reservation was just for Mom, Tom, and two German friends- I’d be staying there in secret). I had a jolly time sipping café, reading, and people-watching and then we all set out to explore the city.



We got to spend two days roaming all around the city… We saw grand churches and cute buildings and weird musicians. We examined the Strasbourg Cathedral’s museum with lots of cool ancient sculptures and weird paintings.


Écoutez-moi, bitches.

We ate sooo much food. We even broke down and did the boat tour around the city through the lochs and everything.


It was a fun two days and I’m so glad mom and Tom sponsored the experience for me to tag along. It was wonderful hearing German again and getting out of Paris for a few days. Some guys chilling on a bridge told me that Strasbourg is the big apple of europe because of the great mixing of culture and ideas and the high student population. They said it’s an amazing place to live and I know there’s some television/media action there… who knows what the future will bring? I sure as hell don’t.


Anyway, if you ever go to Strasbourg or Alsace, be sure to try the tarte flambée (French) or flammkuche (German). Same thing. C’est délicieuse.

Thanks Mom and Tom!


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