For the Best Of! Page

Hey everyone, so I think for the Best Of! Page, everyone needs to submit their own personal favorite during the course.  So hopefully over the weekend everyone can submit their own personal favorites onto the blog with a brief description of why you liked them.  Then me, Lucius, and Adrian will take your responses and do something with them to display the overall results of the Best Of! Page.  Just follow Adrian’s example on the blog.


“Best of…” – various options

This actually emerged during some earlier discussion  in class regarding options for the website. I don’t remember who – Manjekar? Sharouk?Justin?… – but someone suggested for everyone to complete the sentence “The best of the Arts in New York for me  was/is…”

Everyone could just choose a specific moment which they really enjoyed, or something new they discovered – in the city or about the arts, or their favorite outing as a class, or which performance they remember the most, or what they liked about poems or about having working artists visiting the class, or… Some would write something serious, some not-so-serious, anything goes. All responses should short.  We might get quite an interesting mixture of “best impressions.”

Once you have the responses you need to organize them –  put them together as a string of responses? A long list?  A kind of collage? Perhaps accompanied by a slide show? Add music? Add your comments? Add beautiful aroma? O.K., I am kidding …  (We have lots of goodies on the blog – e. g. all the students’ photos for the “Public Art” assignment. Perhaps you could use some of these riches.)

Right now three people volunteered to organize & coordinate this part:  Adrian, Lucius & Kevin. Good. That’s already serious manpower. Of course you can still add a couple more colleagues to help you conceptualize it or to perform specific tasks. You might want to consult Chris too.

As far as I am concerned, anything you decide is fine with me. Just do something nice.