What is my Blog Becoming?

It is becomes apparent that I have begun to compile the little things that make me – me, with the larger ideas and opinions, which set me even more uniquely apart. There is always a balance between these two things, which in fact forms the human identity. There are semblances of oneself in everyday idiosyncrasies; the makeup they put on, the cloths they wear, the toothbrush they have, and food they like. Then there are the more abstract, harder to quantify aspects of a person. Their philosophical approach towards polarization subjects. The political, economic, social views to which they adhere to. It is almost a composition of the tangible and immaterial.  I have found that my blog in its projection of myself has attained a certain life of its own while strictly identifying with what makes myself me.

2 thoughts on “What is my Blog Becoming?

  1. I find it awkward to have to comment on myself, but even in this act I am discovering more about what I am doing in this blog, and moreover, more about myself.

  2. Josh, can you leave these comments as a reply on your existing photo album, rather than creating them as a separate post? If you’re not sure how to do that let me know. Thanks, Zoe

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