Blurb 2 – “A Prayer For Owen Meany”

“A Prayer for Owen Meany” by John Irving is a novel that covers a range of human emotion. “Meany” is able to seamlessly make readers cry and laugh. What I liked enjoyed most was the book’s very memorable dark humor. The titular character of the novel, Owen Meany, is a stubborn and high-pitched short-person that believes himself to be the “instrument of God.” Owen talks in all capital letters (LIKE THIS THROUGHOUT THE BOOK), which I believe really gives you an idea of Irving unique writing style.
The book features the exploits of Owen and his best friend John. Because Owen is short and has a very high-pitched voice, he gets into some really interesting and awkward situations. The book is also permeated with more mature concepts: religious motifs and critiques of American society’s morals saturate the story. Despite containing such powerful and polarizing topics, “A Prayer for Owen Meany” remains enjoyable because of its ironic and comedic moments.

Note: I was supposed to go to the Visual Arts Museum near Baruch, but had to study for Pre-Calculus today. Hopefully, I’ll visit the museum within a week of this post.

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