Creative Work 3, overview and parts due 11/9

Your third creative work focuses on narrative. Ultimately you will be creating a short (5 minute) video or podcast exploring a personal narrative and presenting your work to the class on November 30. You’ll build up to that piece in stages over the next few weeks. To get the project underway, you need to do the following this week:

  1. Visit the special exhibition “Once Upon Many Times” at the Rubin Museum of Art. We were introduced to several pieces in that exhibition during our tour. Familiarize yourself with the exhibit. Choose one work in the show that you love to look at. Find out about it. What story does it tell? How does it tell its story? What do you love about it?
  2. Consider the narratives you tell yourself or participate in every day. These could be classic stories with beginning, middle, and end, or more loose narratives. The narratives might be explicit or might manifest themselves more subtly in behaviors or attitudes. Pay attention to any ritual or routine activities. These could be significant to you, your friends, your family, your culture, etc. What stories are unfolding every day? Focus your attention on them. Make notes whether in words, pictures, sounds, or otherwise.

Come prepared to discuss both #1 and 2 in class next week (November 9)

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