3 thoughts on “Creative Work #1

  1. Mariama! hey, I was really intrigued by your collection. to me, it really seemed like a daily journal entry and together the images felt spontaneous. The diversity of your subject matter from your brother to your computer screen to your notes captured little blips from your everyday life, and I really appreciate the effect of that. The photos seem almost completely unrelated to each other, but the thought that they all came from the same photographer from a set period of time makes me wonder about all the different facets in our personalities that make up a person. anyway, i enjoyed your photos! let’s see some nice haiku too!

  2. Hey Mariama, I really liked all your photos. They are all really unique and speak to your individual experiences and personality. This inspired me to think about what I would want to take a picture of if I had to represent my day using that one picture. Then, it made me think about what will happen if we took a picture every single day of our lives. What will the first and last picture look like? I was envisioning what everybody’s “last picture” will look like and it made me really sad and depressed. Will we all have the same theme? Will all our pictures convey the same “this is the end” vibe? In a sense, someone else can experience your life by just looking at these pictures, which make them all the more meaningful.

  3. i really love your comments you guys and that is a really interesting idea about taking a picture everyday. id hope the last picture would actually be the best because we’ve made it that far. i actually really liked the picture assignment and i kind of miss taking pictures but i feel like our haikus will come out well too.

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