All of Abhishek’s Haikus

As I sit,

all I can do is wait,

until I stand up.


Yankees are out.

It was a big disappointed for us all because for-

some reason the Tigers survive.


Hello today,

How are you? tomorrow,

Goodbye some other day.


Feels like summer,

but the calendar says its fall.

The weather is confused.


I’m going out,

with shorts on.

Is it really october?


When we want time to

go slow, it seems to fly by.

There has to be a way.


N.B.A. players,

why can’t they negotiate.

I want basketball.


Watch dance performance.

Take a late night subway trip.

Business tomorrow.


New store openings.

Rain pouring everywhere.

Can’t be good for suede.


Cold fingers all day,

Waking up at eleven

makes it worthwhile.


Sports are boring now.

Yankees season is already over

NBA season is questionable.


Stocks are going down,

Tomorrow they might go up.

Who knows what will happen?


Is destiny real?

Or is it cause and effect?

How do we even tell?


New York City has

everything available at

any time of day.


Time to take out the

heavy winter jackets.

Soon it will snow.


My iPhone is black

and it shines at day,

and hides at night.


Typing away,

on the Macbook keyboard,

When does it stop?


Watching the MLB

World Series just doesn’t fill

the void of basketball.


Art is everywhere.

Before it was photos,

now it is haikus.


It starting to get

dark way too early now.

I want sunlight.


Almost midnight,

There is little time for this

haiku to count for 10/26.


Weekdays feel

like they never end

until the weekend.


Now that the

weekend is here, it’s time

to relax and enjoy.


Snow in October,

See something new everyday.

Wonder what tomorrow.


It is cold outside,

but it feels so hot inside.

Stupid heating system.


Making up destiny,

writing essays on boring topics.

Professors are not helping.


So many ones

make up today. Next week

there will be another one.

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