Creative Work 3, components due 11/16

To continue building your work, begin making and/or collecting texts, images (still and/or moving), sounds, objects, etc. that you think are relevant to the narrative you are developing. Take inspiration also from the artwork you chose from the Rubin Museum. Are there images, colors, objects, sounds, texts, etc. that feature somehow in that artwork and that might be evocative or relevant for your narrative? Come prepared to share your findings from this week and last week with the class on 11/16. Continue reading



Don’t have time for anything – planner rules this world now. The school? Nothing happens there anymore. Soon it will, huh.


Don’t remember the New Year. But the salad was there.


Love this place. There is something about it –  can’t tell. And it’s not the food. It may be where the Daikon is located – Pyatnickaya is one of favourite places,huh? But somehow it’s not that simple. The simplicity had been trying to live by didn’t work out. A rock is never just a rock; – really?


It’s the best part. If never had long hair – won’t understand this lightness: hair’s said to hold all the memoriesor just the past. Don’t really know. But it helps to get rid of everything from before. If it’s otherwise – there is no point in shaving all the time or after merried. That’s the story. The looks? Oh yeah, that’s also.

Creative Work 3, overview and parts due 11/9

Your third creative work focuses on narrative. Ultimately you will be creating a short (5 minute) video or podcast exploring a personal narrative and presenting your work to the class on November 30. You’ll build up to that piece in stages over the next few weeks. To get the project underway, you need to do the following this week: Continue reading