Category: Seminar 3: Science Forward

The Relationship of Dissolved Oxygen Levels and Species Diversity and Observation Frequency of Bivalves in New York City Waters

Bivalves, like mussels and oysters, play an important ecological role as filter feeders by filtering out algae, bacteria, and pollution to keep our waterways clean, but have died out in estuaries like NYC Harbor due to overconsumption and pollution. We examine the relationship between harbor water quality and the observation frequency and diversity of bivalves in hopes of determining the best ways to protect them.

The Fungus Among Us: Ganoderma Sessile in NY

The Ganoderma sessile is a polypore fungi typically found on the decaying wood of hardwood trees. The species is generally found east of the Rocky Mountains, often in a semicircular shape without a stem. The colors of its cap tend to be brownish-red. The Ganoderma sessile has large spores and its structure has been described as “tough, but not woody”.