Sargent Portrait: Mrs. Hugh Hammersley

2015-09-26 23.25.542015-09-26 22.54.262015-09-26 22.50.26


  1. bensadighm

    This is really interesting, especially in the way that you formatted this post so that my eye flows naturally from left to right as if I were reading a text (as opposed to posting the pictures vertically, one on top of the other). It seems like you tried to capture change over a period of time by altering one picture, modernizing each with each variation. The first photo (the one on the left) seems like the “oldest one” because there is a lot of elegance and simplicity. As my eye shifts to the second photo (the middle one), it seems like it has modernized a bit more, by adding trendy pillows and some more hints color. And finally, the last photo (the one on the right) is the most modernized version. In this photo, the elegance is replaced by a more casual look (hair style and clothing), and the pillows (and snack!) are much more colorful!

  2. ireneyao

    I thought this was a very different perspective that you created. A more modern way of living now, would be the third picture from the left. The original painting, a elegant women posing in extravagant clothing , is now what I would see as a more common picture when taken at home. The third picture is a more realistic point of view of how people are at home rather than all dolled up. I also enjoyed the way you added pillows and snacks to make the picture feel more like shes at home and comfortable. Overall I enjoyed the new perspective that you gave me!

  3. Brandon Green

    I find it very interesting that your final modern interpretation of the portrait takes away the subject’s elegance and class. The woman’s loose fit clothes, new hairstyle, and bag of chips turns the regal portrait into a very casual and seemingly quick image. I appreciate the change in perspective, it captures the change from a painted portrait being an event to the individual modern picture having little value due to the ability to take large quantities of images with a camera or phone.

  4. Zuzanna Osiecka

    I love your take on this portrait. I feel that you wanted to show how the times have changed. Back in the day everyone dressed formally, in suits and dresses, whereas now it is completely normal to walk around in sweatpants. The third variation shows that the woman is not trying to look classy and elegant, but it is a more realistic version. Her hair is down and she is eating a bag of chips, which shows how carefree and less judgemental people have become.

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