Authoritative Discrimination

Created by Tan Yee Yeung, Michelle Bensadigh, and Maxwell Sternberg.


  1. janaabumusallam

    I loved your project. This could very well be associated with racial profiling and stereotypes. It makes a bigger statement about how we treat people and how people expect to treat others based on their ethnicity, race, accents, and style. Your video really showed how common it is for people to discriminate simply because of the way someone is dressed.

  2. photographerkt18

    I really liked the setting; I’m not sure how you found an empty classroom but the venue really adds to the story as a whole. Also, the actors did an amazing job portraying the characters and letting us see the real situation. I think whoever filmed did an amazing job with the angles; when the camera looks up at Michelle it really lets us see how much authority she holds over these people.

  3. anthonychen715

    I felt that the overall story was humiliation, but it gives the audience comic relief in realizing this authoritative discrimination. I liked how you guys changed views so that we felt that we were in the victim’s shoes. The sound effects all flowed well throughout the change in scenes. Great work guys, I enjoyed it.

  4. matthewlam

    This reminds me of how kids got through high school. There were the people that worked hard in class and those who leeched off other people’s hard work to succeed. It’s sad to see the people that cheat in life get to have the easy life, while people that work their hearts out get nothing. Society definitely has favorites and will usually allow them to succeed in many cases without a sweat. People judge, it’s just a natural thing that we cannot stop.

  5. Stella Kang

    When I saw how you guys used a doubled screen I really appreciated it, because it made it a lot easier for the audience to compare both Max and Lenny as students and separate characters. It also set up a comparison for the rest of the video between the two characters, so as an audience, we’re constantly expecting to see difference or similarities between the two. I also enjoyed the music, especially before Michelle chose who she thought cheated on the test, because it added a lot of suspense towards the decision. I think that the portrayal of the scene was very straight forward and precise, which I liked a lot because it made it a easy to follow the story without any sort of misinterpretation and confusion.

  6. borysshturman

    I loved the way you incorporated that even the authorities are wrong too. The teacher based her decision on what the student was wearing and stereotype. This was a very unfair decision that lead to the innocent student to receive a grade he didn’t deserve. This is a serious problem in today’s society where authorities sometimes make the wrong decisions and regular people have little power to overturn them.

  7. Zuzanna Osiecka

    I love how clear you made it that Michelle was the authoritative figure. It added a comedic side to the story as well as made the plot clearer. I think this video is easy to relate to for a lot of us. There are some students that work hard for their grades and try their best and others who barely try and receive the same grades. It shows that life is not fair and a lot of the times you will try your best and it will still not be enough.

  8. Brandon Green

    The way you juxtaposed Max and Lenny added greatly to our understanding of the way their piers and authority figures viewed them. I’m not sure I necessarily agree with the message that authority stereotypes people based on their appearance, but I can see where you are coming from and think you did a great job representing your view.

  9. emilyweiss

    This video highlighted an individual struggle that still exists in society today: profiling and favoritism. Whether it’s in the workplace, in real life, or in the classroom as showed here, people are constantly judged because of their appearance and it affects the way they are treated. It’s something that needs to be recognized and changed. Also, a comment on the editing- the split screen was an awesome touch that really demonstrated the parallel between these two students lives in school and highlighted the differences between them towards the middle when Max is unfairly accused and punished for a wrongdoing that he did not commit. Really nice job remaking this story into a video! It turned out really well.

  10. emilyweiss

    This video highlighted an individual struggle that still exists in society today: profiling and favoritism. Whether it’s in the workplace, in real life, or in the classroom as showed here, people are constantly judged because of their appearance and it affects the way they are treated. It’s something that needs to be recognized and changed. Also, a comment on the editing- the split screen was an awesome touch that really demonstrated the parallel between these two students lives in school and highlighted the differences between them towards the middle when Max is unfairly accused and punished for a wrongdoing that he did not commit. Really nice job remaking this story into a video! It turned out really well.

  11. ashleyskaria

    I enjoyed how your video really connected to Spring Awakening. The lack of an objective, caring authority figure was clear in your video due to Michelle’s excellent acting. Although the video centered around discrimination in a cheating scenario, that form of discrimination can be found anywhere. Max and Lenny’s different situations showcased the unfairness we often see in school and the workplace.

  12. ireneyao

    I really enjoyed the way you used camera angles to emphasize the unfairness and stereotyping that is shown throughout the video. It really puts into the point of view of the person being put into an unfair position. Also the use of an authoritative figure shows how voiceless someone who is being stereotyped is. Despite everything, and the evidence through the show of work, he is still blamed because of the way he may be dressed or looked. This video really does a great job showing the main point that you are trying to get across.

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