Sharp Sense of Self

By Matthew Lam, Stella Kang, and John Casella


  1. Maxwell Sternberg

    Wow! That video was intense, and left me totally intrigued. The background music and plot kept me at the edge of my seat. When the plot comes to a close I took away one primary message: one must look at life from an outside perspective at times, and appreciate all that we have. The troubled character seems totally lost in the somber world he lives in, until he finds some sort of hope and happiness. If we all took a step back and looked at life for what it truly is then we all can easily find immense hope and happiness.

  2. janaabumusallam

    This video is hugely powerful. A lot of people treat bullying as something so minor, yet in reality it can lead to pain and tragedy. Your video exemplified bullying around the world and the way it can impact people. I loved your use of your skit within this project. You really expanded on all the ideas you hoped to get across in your shorter scene in class, and it made your video really interesting to watch.

  3. bensadighm

    This was a very suspenseful and gripping clip. The main character’s acting was very strong, and I was constantly intrigued as to what would happen next. I actually shuddered once I saw the “blood” in the zoomed in scene of the arm (at the 20 second point). While this scene shed light on how bullying can be direct (with the physical pushing of the two bully characters in the staircase), many times bullying happens indirectly (unfavorable facial expressions, socially excluding someone from a group, etc). It’s a bit sad though that, similar to some topics in Spring Awakening, bullying is avoided by the father figure. Though the father went through a similar history, he just stormed off to a different place. Also, the title of your project is very clever, as it could be defined as a sharp/sophisticated self-image or as physically sharp (with a knife), which you guys depicted in this clip. Great work!!!

  4. sabrina

    You did a great job in acting, John! I really felt the emotions you portrayed and you tried to express in the video. The viewers just watch what you go through and the video sends a powerful message about bullying and the effect it has on its victims. I wished there was an ending though – I hate suspension and cliff-hangers. But that makes the video even better.

  5. Chris Angelidis

    This was a very dark clip, but the acting was very on point John. Your facial expressions especially helped convey a sense of confusion and despair that really added to the impact of the film. The doubling on the wrist scene was especially strong as it seemed like the crossroads of two different paths. The one which was continuing to cut and ultimately led to suicide and the other which was to embrace the past and move on to a brighter future. The ending was very unsettling to me as it showed John’s reluctance to move towards a brighter tomorrow. Instead, consumed by his sorrow, all he could do was end his immediate suffering.

  6. photographerkt18

    AMAZING ACTING!. John you did such an incredible job bringing your character to life. Especially the scene in the mirror was SO powerful. The entire time, I was so enthralled by the story. Also, I have to say the props and aesthetics were amazing. Scars and blood looked amazing. I think your video sends a really strong message to everyone out there. No matter who is watching, they will all learn something really important. Being nice to a person and doing something as simple as sending a text could save lives. Overall, I LOVED this video.

  7. anthonychen715

    John, you immediately set the tone that the video would be tense with emotional content. The anger and frustration you portrayed within your character really flowed well throughout the whole video. The drama really gave an impact to the audience, overall great job, it was very intriguing.

  8. Vincent Gangemi

    Really powerful video about the effects bullying can have on one’s life and how not having an open environment in the household can have severe effects. I really like the ending. I think it says something powerful about how we always have a choice in our actions, no matter how damaged we feel.

  9. Tan Yee Yeung

    The scene when John stares straight at us while breathing heavily is so strong. This scene really exemplifies and reveals how deep his pain was. John displayed so much emotion. All the pain, sadness and uncertainty is shown through John’s shaking body when he’s breathing and preparing to cut himself. The ending leaves us guessing what John would do next. Is he going to continue to commit suicide or to enjoy the company of his friend? I like this ending because it allows the viewer give their own interpretation.

  10. emilyweiss

    Great job, guys! I was really impressed by the initial performance you did in class but this video really brought your story and message to a much higher level. Even the visual appeal of it alone is awesome. John, you are a really powerful actor and I felt all of your emotions along with you throughout the scenes! I am so shocked at how well they translated through the camera. Also, the multitude of camera angles really brought this video to life. I felt like the audience was right alongside the characters on screen. The mirror scene in particular surprised me and I thought overall this video was really well done!!

  11. chynellemenezes

    Great acting! The background music added to the sense of urgency and the general turmoil the teen must be experiencing. I loved how the suit sleeves covered the scars. Anyone could have them but it’s all about what choices you make with the circumstances you’re in.

  12. Brandon Green

    This video was incredibly powerful, I could feel John’s pain. The ketchup added quite a lot to the impact of John’s self inflicted cuts. I was taken back when I saw the first scene where he is cutting himself in the staircase, I felt like I had to do something to help him. The scene where Colin compares his cuts to John’s really showed us how much pain the two are in, not only are they physically harming themselves, but they refuse to talk about it. This must destroy them on the inside.

  13. Ahmed Farooq

    This video was very powerful. The bullying, the cutting, the father suppressing the sons problems. I think John played an amazing role, I really felt the frustration and desperation that would lead a person to cut themselves. I like that at the end there was a beacon of hope with Stella’s text message but the video ended at a cliff hanger and open to the audience’s interpretation. This is, in my opinion a very true-to-life description of this situation.

  14. Zuzanna Osiecka

    I love this video. The acting was phenomenal and made the whole story so much more realistic. It shows us how much of a difference that one text can make. Someone that is depressed and feels alone just needs one person to be there for them or to make them feel accepted. I actually had goosebumps towards the end, because I have watched so many news stories about teenagers who end their lives due to bullying. The message from Stella meant so much to John that it actually prevented him from killing himself. Making someone feel accepted can save someone’s life.

  15. ireneyao

    This video was really well made. The use of camera angle really allowed me to feel the emotions.The use of the camera as a mirror was also very clever and unique. It gave a feeling as though the character was looking at us directly so we had a connection to the video. Other than the angle, your script and acting was very good. I really felt the emotions and feelings through your expressions and actions. Very realistic use of ketchup for blood, it made me feel like the whole thing was real even though I knew it was ketchup

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