Art is All Around Us….


If you can’t see the text: The Ad Board says – “Art Is Everywhere”

Click to EnlargeĀ 


Before Photoshop (for those curious)




  1. Ahmed Farooq

    I agree with you that Art is all around us. I think this was the first discussion we had in class. A bottle on a desk is art. A bottle on the floor is art. Everything is in fact art. When I first saw your picture I would have believed that it was a professionally created computer drawing but it is something that you just drew and edited. It is indeed a very cool representation

  2. janaabumusallam

    Love your representation of art! Really puts everything into perspective. Art truly is all around us. Art is everywhere. People see art in everyday things and IDC has taught me that it’s normal to see art everywhere. I have a newfound appreciation for the beauty of nature and technology because of this class. A florist thinks that his arrangements are very artistic in nature, while a mechanic can think of motor oil as his paint. Great job with Photoshop, really impressive.

  3. photographerkt18

    First of all, I love your drawing. Also, I think IDC put things into perspective for us a lot more. NYC is full of art that we sometimes fail to see. Everyday chaos often takes over our daily lives to the point where we stop appreciating New York City and everything it has to offer.

  4. emilyweiss

    It’s so interesting that you used both a pencil sketch and photoshop in this picture – and it turned out really well! I like how you chose to put nature in color and the human figures and background in black and white as it creates a nice contrast. Also, my eye keeps directing back at the city outline and how you left the buildings so simple… For some reason I am so drawn to this part of the scene!

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