Mood Diary: Art For Art’s Sake

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life: Anthony Chen



  1. Tan Yee Yeung

    This is a really nice sketch. There are so many details on the train and buildings. It is interesting how the birds, which should be flying up above, is at the bottom of your sketch beneath the train. From this picture I can tell that you ride the 6 train most often. The train becomes one with the philosophy textbook, which indicates that you do your readings on the train. The title of this sketch is “A Day in the Life” but you drew a moon instead of sun. I’m guessing that is because we spend so much time in the day in school that by the time we get out of school, the moon is already up. The train also becomes a whirlwind which gives off a feeling of chaos. Which is how I feel life is like. We have so many events to attend and homework to do. Life sure feels chaotic.

  2. Ahmed Farooq

    I dont understand why but your drawing had a profound impact on me. I saw your post before I took a nap and I had a dream of myself on a train. And my train crashed. I do not know if you meant for your drawing to have a dark impact on viewers but that is what happened for me. I see like dark clouds coming from the air. The moon makes me think that it is the middle of the night. The shadowy figures on the top of the train evoke darkness as well. A very impactful drawing whether you meant it to be or not.

  3. Stella Kang

    I thought this was one of the most interesting mood diaries after looking through the few that I was able to view. I find it interesting because I don’t quite understand it, which makes it completely fascinating to me. There’s no obvious meaning behind it, so it forces me to analyze every aspect of the piece. Firstly, the philosophy textbook I found interesting, and I’m wondering what you’re thoughts are on our philosophy class. But I’m also curious about the birds, as the symbolism behind three birds drawn in that style are numerous. They can signify peace, freedom, resolution, etc. I like how there is a lot of symbolism in your piece though.

  4. bensadighm

    This is a truly interesting sketch. First of all the sketching itself is really great and artistic. And secondly the content and the meaning that it evokes is very intriguing. I found myself looking at it for more than a few minutes trying to get a clear understanding of it, and after some thought, I’m still not sure if I fully grasped the meaning. Nonetheless, the mystery of trying to find out what this sketch means, was enough to keep me focused and attracted for some time. What I get out of this, is that your Subway rides are a huge part of your day, and that a lot goes on while you’re on a subway, particularly studying/reading, as suggested by the “Intro to Logic” book. Very interesting and creative work!

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