Category: New York Times 11/27

Green Notes

The balancing of passion and practically is quintessentially the key to finding personal satisfaction. Achieving this should be the personal mission for every individual in the course of his quest for identifying life’s meaning. It is concerning and altogether heartbreaking that many, if not most, individuals over complicate this simplistic and joyous system of philosophical thought. Perhaps, we are not the first to acknowledge this but regardless it is a matter of the highest importance.

Passion versus practicality is a timeless human struggle. Webster’s Dictionary defines passion as a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something, and defines practicality as likely to succeed and reasonable to do or use. In life’s journey, we are repeatedly faced with the choice between doing what we believe is enjoyable and meaningful and accomplishing what we believe is responsible or viable. This is evident whether it be career choices, as we portray in our short film, or the core beliefs and values that we hold dear to our hearts. The common stigma is that in life when a man choses passion over practicality, he finds himself financially deficient. On the other hand, when a man choses practicality over passion he finds himself devoting his life to an occupation that he loathes.

The problem is that reason and passion are not mutually exclusive. We find true clarity, conviction, meaning, and happiness when these two elements overlap. A man cannot limit himself to one or the other. It is never too late to reevaluate the path of life that he chooses. If he chooses perceived passion over practicality, then he should find a way to make what he loves economically viable to help sustain himself. If he chooses perceived practicality over passion, then he should find a way to make their life choices fulfilling.

The idealist in one’s self wishes to live free and follow what the heart desires; while, the clear benefits of practicality can often burn holes in this vision while shining brighter on another, less attractive path. The great news is that, by blending what you love with what you can make materialistic gain off of, you find the best compromise is no compromise at all: find both in one.

Our work begs questioning on the choices we make when pursuing a career, and whether the things we enjoy on the side should solely be just that. As you watch our short film, our work will provide insight to evaluate the future choices that you plan on making as you go through your journey of life. Be prudent in your decision making and make choices out of rational discourse. However, at the same time, remember to leave room for your warm spirit to run wild and pursue what you enjoy.

Created by: Chris, Brandon, Ahmed, Anthony, Vincent

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