Jewish Food There, or, “Eat Your Knaidlach!”

Bagels! Matzah! Gefilte Fish!  Delicious, no?  All of these traditionally Jewish foods have different roots in the old country.  Would my great-great-grandmother have plotzed if she saw me calling any of those images Jewish?  Let’s find out.

Click on the picture of Bagel (above) to learn more about the role that Jewish food often had in greater Yiddish culture.

Because Jews were traditionally lower class in Europe, Jewish food in the Old Country relied heavily on making do with little, what foods would be easy to make and filling.  For more on Jewish food “there,” click on the Kasha.

Now in America, food may work a bit differently, both within and outside of Jewish homes.

Go ahead, click on the Traditions Noodle Soup.

Pictured, Jewish College Cuisine. Not pictured, Hydration.


Stock photos (all from

Bagel- Byron Solomon

Matzah- SXC Chabadnik

Gefilte Fish- Alex Ringer

Kasha- Yaroslav B

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