Have a Matzah Ball!

There are many, many variations on how to make knaidlach, known in English Matzah balls, as well as dissent on what the final result should resemble in terms of size, flavor, and consistency.  Because of this, and since knaidlach are still traditionally made by hand, many recipes remain unchanged.  Here are a couple of recipes from a modern Jewish cookbook:

Note: Matzah Meal is finely ground Matzah that resembles flour.

Here is another source of Jewish food wisdom, a Bubbe (Yiddish for grandmother) making her own Matzah balls.

Fun Fact: Ironically, some very religious Jews do not consider Matzah balls permissable to eat on Passover!  Some Jews will not mix Matzah products with water on the holiday, as they say it too closely resembles bread rising.  Since the very purpose of knaidlach is for them to expand in water, that would rule them out!

Recipe From: Cohen, Jayne. (2008). Jewish Holiday Cooking: A Food Lover’s Treasury of Classics and Improvisations, John Wiley and Sons.


Information on Kashrut from www.hechshers.info

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