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I should’ve started blogging during the application process… I even thought of it at the time and then dismissed that thought in favor of one telling me I was far too busy to think of it.

Well, here I am, keying out my first post.

I’ll be updating off and on over the summer… I certainly have a lot to do before I go to France.

To-Do List as of June 7:
send $100 money order
make consulate appointment
buy plane ticket
get CISI insurance
vaccinations? do i need those?
make packing list
learn french

I plan to watch a lot of french movies this summer- especially the french-dubbed versions of Disney movies. I know the stories by heart and that with the fragments of french I can understand should make it useful practice in understanding faster speech.
My german teacher used to teach us new vocab by giving us german pop music and having the class laboriously translate each line… I can sing an unnecessary amount of german songs now but it really helped me learn, so maybe I should try something similar with french.

I’m getting wordy… I should sign off.

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