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a camera

So I’m thinking I want to get a nice camera before I leave for the year abroad. I’ve never had my own camera and always just used my cellphones for taking pictures… and I don’t mean fancy smartphones. My current and most high-tech phone is the Verizon Pantech Hotshot. It works fine but it is definitely a piece of junk. I’m not trying to be mean, it just… is.

So anyway, I’m looking around at fantasy cameras. I like Canons I think… the Rebel T3i looks cool but I really haven’t done research on it (or anything else). I really just want high quality pictures, video capability, rechargeable battery, built-in flash/mic, and maybe a basic extra lens  I really don’t want a larger screen or a touch screen, 5-lb lenses, tripods and accessories, or Wi-Fi instant sharing junk… Maybe someone will see this and use my contact page to help me out… No?

It’s a little tricky because I kind of want to invest a bit in it but can’t get anything too large and fancy for packing purposes and for the risk of theft (in transit or in my dorm… who knows what could happen in a year). I also don’t have that much to invest in the first place… I don’t want to spend a lot more than $400 and would prefer to keep it around $300. Ah that’s so much money. It would be so nice though to have quality pictures (and video) of my trip to post on the blog and to share when I come back to the U.S.

I’ll keep you posted.

EDIT: I was in Sam’s Club with my dad today (Saturday) and we checked out a few of their cameras… the Nikon D3000 and the Canon Rebel T3 were the most intriguing. The Canon was $100 more but had a larger zoom lens (75-300 instead of the Nikon’s 55-200) which my dad said might be worth it. I’m not so sure but I’ve got plenty of time to think before I try to actually buy one.

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