Let the Great World Spin Response

I found Let the Great World Spin to be a beautifully intricated interweaving of perspectives and lives into one grand story. The perspectives served to not only provide a fuller understanding of the plot line bringing new details with each individual storyline but also demonstrated how human lives are interwoven by the experiences which touch each of us. This story which takes place in New York serves as a microcosm of the intricate metaphorical web of humanity which surrounds us, we are connected by the lives we touch and string of experiences we share sometimes unknowingly. I was also struck with a realization of how instantly and innately our judgments of others are with very little pretense. Through the varying points of views we are able to gather the storyline of each character and view how others react and jump to conclusions about those same characters which as readers we know but the others no little about. It is intriguing to think that you see people and they see you and the connection is usually restricted to just that, passing glances. They know nothing about you, you know nothing about them. Quick judgments made during the few moments of your brief encounter will soon be forgotten. Furthermore, with all the chaos which occurs in such a brief amount of time the world seems to continue on regardless reminding us of our own insignificance on the grand scale of our universal timeline.

Man on Wire Response

Phillip Petit is quite the character to say the least. The film portrayed him as being playful, zealous, charismatic, theatrical, and an overall very likable person. Furthermore, the surprisingly unwavering loyalty of his friends surprised me especially his girlfriend who claimed she didn’t truly have a destiny of her own her destiny was to help Phillip achieve his dream. Although his relentless dream of walking between the Twin Towers was a bit far-fetched and slightly odd it was extremely admirable. There is a strange beauty in the scenes where he finally achieves this. The idea of being in this kind of surreal isolation above a beautiful city living out a dream which nobody thought feasible is absolutely astounding.

Unfortunately, the aftermath of Petit’s achievement had me frustrated and saddened. I think Petit let the adrenaline rush and overwhelming moment of fame get to his head. He seemed to have disregarded the devotion of the loved ones who helped him fulfill his aspirations and move past that era of his life. Although the interviews with his girlfriend and closest companions revealed their resignation at Petit’s negligence after his huge achievement I could see that they were still hurt.

As he breaks out into a smile with the comfort of the tightrope beneath his feet in complete certainty I was struck with a feeling of admiration and jealousy that he had found something in his life that he was so passionate about, something he was more than willing to die for. I found myself inspired to seek out something which I love that much in the world that I can utterly devote myself to so entirely and secu

Le Nozze Di Figaro Reflection

Firstly, The Metropolitan was gorgeous and exuded elegance in every aspect. Secondly, the viewing of the opera was a very enlightening experience. Prior to seeing the Le Nozze de Figaro my expectations were based on clips from movies and television, portrayals that presented opera as being long, sleep inducing performances of loud singers reserved for the bougie and elderly. I’m glad to report that I have been proven wrong. Le Nozze de Figaro has definitely opened my eyes and opera proved itself to be one of the highest forms of art. The amalgamation of drama, orchestration, and vocalization into one cohesive performance is an entirely unique experience. Not only was I amazed at the power and beauty behind the vocalists’ voices, but also the interesting plot also pleasantly surprised me. Even from the viewing lounge I found myself captivated by the complexity of the humorous and romantic plot line set to compositions by Mozart. It was at times confusing but overall very enjoyable. I’ll admit I have discovered a newfound appreciation for opera and may be tempted to see another sometime in the future.

Elyssa Sur-Intro


Hello everyone! I know I’m a bit late to the introduction game but here we go. I’m Elyssa as some of you may already know. I have lived in Seal Beach, California my entire life and decided to venture pretty far from home to the city that never sleeps. I guess you could say in many aspects I’m a typical Cali kid: I love the beach, I listen to reggae music, I’m finding it very hard to live without In n Out burger, and I have been spoiled with amazing weather year round. Despite this I find myself in love with the city and feeling like I definitely made the right decision in coming here. One of the main attractions which had me gravitating towards NYC was the sheer amount of culture in the city and the nightlife. Literally everyday has been a new adventure and I am in love with the music scene. I can listen to almost anything and my playlist is constantly changing but mainly composed of indie, surf rock, surf punk, trap, rap and reggae. I also love photography although I am only amateur at best but the city presents many picturesque scenes, which I am glad to take advantage of. I would love to name my favorite films and bands but being a fairly indecisive and noncommittal person I could never choose. I can list some films I am very fond of though: The Graduate, A Clockwork Orange, 500 Days of Summer, Fight Club, and any Wes Anderson film. I look forward to getting to know all of you as well as the city.

Here’s a song which I have been very into lately:
