
Most of the visitors of the Travers Park are people who live nearby. Jackson Heights is an incredibly diverse neighborhood with people from numerous places. There are families who have lived in Jackson Heights for the last five generations and families who have just moved in whether it be from another neighborhood or another country. Jackson Heights is a place that is home to many immigrants. The following chart shows how many more immigrants move to Jackson Heights between 1988 and 2002. Jackson Heights has a very large Hispanic population which makes up 55.7% of the total population according to the 2010 census. 1 Asians are also a significant group in the area.

The number of immigrants moving into Jackson Heights each year peaked in the 1990s, and remained steady around the early 2000s. Immigrants from South America and Asia made up about half of all of these immigrants in those years. The eight largest immigrant groups are from the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Colombia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, China and Korea. The population from the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) peaked in the mid to late 1990s and have dropped off a little since then. The incoming population from China has remained steady while the incoming Korean populations has been decreasing. The Dominican Republican, Colombian and Ecuadorian immigrants peaked around the mid-1990s (with the exception of no new Colombian immigrants in 1993); however, they remain the largest group of incoming immigrants.


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