4 thoughts on “two weeks from Jenny Lee! c:

  1. When asked to find artful moments in the city, I ended up with many pictures of things decidedly uncitylike. Between crowded spaces of too many people and buildings and feeling rushed, I’m always seeking wide open spaces, or looking at details in small places where nature exists; I gathered pictures of things that seem like they’re not part of the city, but can be found be just looking closer or lifting your eyes to the heavens. For this coming week, I want to shift tactics and want my pictures to clearly show that they were taken in nyc.

  2. I really enjoyed viewing your gallery of photos as I think each picture is uniquely taken. Each picture was taken from a unique angle, contrary to that which one would most likely view the object from. For example, your picture of the railing is taken from the side as opposed to from straight on. Since the pictures are taken from these unique angles, it gives you sort of a new perspective. Another common theme within your gallery seems to be the outdoors as all 6 photos were taken outside. I also agree with the theme you mentioned- these pictures are all very detailed!

  3. I love your gallery of pictures, Jenny! This week, I noticed that you began taking more pictures of people, and, for one of them, a fly. You kept the theme of detail going throughout this week (especially in the fly picture). Last week, you seemed to be more focused on the sky and nature, however, this week it seems like you have introduced both water and people into your pictures.
    Our galleries are, in a way, similar as we both seem to have an interest in taking pictures of water (whether it be rain drops, fountains, etc). I think you should keep taking detailed pictures of water and nature because your pictures come out very well. Keep up the good work!

  4. Thanks Johanna! C: I think you’re right about the themes of nature and detail, and those kinds of scenes always make me want to take a photo, so next week will probably be similar.
    It might not necessarily show in the photos, but during the moments I took them, I was fascinated by the amazing lighting/lights around me, and the contrast between nature and the manmade. In particular, the first picture in the last row was a really artful moment for me. The regular crosswork pattern of the fence, compared to the random natural pattern of seafoam was beautiful to me. I think I want photos that really show where city and mother earth meet, but I’m not sure how to convey that through a photo yet.

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