6 thoughts on “Anastasia Martinova’s Creative Work 1

  1. Your creative work really fascinated me, and now that I’m looking at it again, it’s even more interesting to me than when I first saw it on the blog and when you presented it earlier today. When I first saw it when you posted it, I couldn’t quite figure out a running theme that you had, which made me curious as to what you were thinking when you compiled these photos. However, after you presented and explained your approach, I found your work to be one of the most interesting and artistic presentations, mostly because of the mystery behind it. I think this really defines a creative work, because in this compilation of photos particularly, different people can see different things. I for one, would have never seen what you saw until you explained it. This was definitely one of my favorites.

  2. Thank you Yana! I really appreciate your input and I’m glad that my compilation and presentation stuck with you. Yours also happened to be one of my favorites. I loved your theme, and especially how well the photos flowed in the chronology.

  3. Hey Anastasia, like I mentioned before in class, I really like your first photograph! At first glance, I thought your cat was part of the painting until you explained that it was actually a real life cat in class. I find it interesting that your theme was the transition of the natural to the artificial and you managed to capture both of these worlds in your first photograph.

  4. Hi Anastasia! I agree with both Kelly and Yana that your work was definately one of my favorite and one that stood out. My favorite part of your collection was how observant you were. I loved how you focused on one specific detail and managed to expand on that detail and incorporate it into the following day’s picture. I especially like the picture of the poster on the street because it seems like the lighting of the poster as well as the lighting on the street match up. Where the poster becomes light is exactly where the street changes from shadow to sunlight, I thought this was very cool! Nice work!

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