5 thoughts on “Creative Work Project

  1. I really like your compilation and I really enjoyed what you had to say about it in class. Your genuine nature transcends into every photo you take. Like a classmate mentioned, you don’t over-analyze and make up meanings where they are simply not found, and that in itself is admirable. These are photos that mean something to you, and no overblown explanation would have done justice to the simple meaning behind each and every photo. On a side note, I find it really ironic that Uniqlo does not, in fact, seem very unique (although I don’t doubt that the clothes are nice); there is a herd of sheep inside each store, its slogan is “made for all”, and the chain is spreading like crazy throughout the city (you would think that truly unique stores don’t expand like that)!

  2. I really enjoyed your daily photos. I like that you didn’t restrict yourself to a particular mood or object. As a result, all your photos turned out to be really unique and different. I also like that you had your own personal story behind each and every single one of your picture which really reveals your personality and what you consider as art. I also find it interesting that we have the same picture of the Uniqlo sheep but we had a completely different focus while looking at it. I mostly focused on the sheep as a whole display while you looked at each individual sheep and derived their personalities based on the clothing that the sheep were wearing. This made me realize that everyone has a different interpretation of art and that looking at something from a different perspective can be both refreshing and interesting.

  3. The thought process and the pre-planning that you put into your pictures is commendable because on the surface it seems that all the pictures have little meaning behind them. However, when you explained your thought process behind each picture it made the work as a whole more enjoyable. You were honest about how your pictures came about; for example, you stated that you moved the strawberry in the middle of the bowl to make it artsy. It just goes to show that art is sometimes very arbitrary. You did not expect that the strawberry would look like a heart, but it did and you took advantage of that opportunity turned it into art. Sometimes the best type of art is spontaneous.

  4. I found your photos to be very interesting while being funny as well because of your presentation. Your pictures were honest and you really found many different forms of art throughout the weeks. I really enjoyed listening to your stories behind every picture because they made the pictures seem even more personal. They made interpreting the pictures much easier and getting to know your thought process better easier as well. I thought that the randomness in your creative work really brought the pictures together.

  5. I feel that your entire piece embodied your personality and overall your photos are very creative. What I liked most about your gallery was that all of the photos had a story behind it which caused your photos to have a greater meaning. It also represented that you put a lot of thought into your photos, and as a result your pictures came put great. I really liked the one with the bowl of cereal with the heart shaped strawberry and even though the strawberry was not in the middle you put it there because it would be more artistic.

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