6 thoughts on “Sean Proctor Creative Work 1

  1. Your creative work was one of my favorites, mainly because of the fact that it was one of the works where the theme was most prevalent. I thought the whole concept of the Empire State Building and it’s different colors and what the meaning behind them is was interesting, but what I liked most was that even though all the pictures are of the same subject matter, each one is unique and interesting in its own way – whether it’s the perspective or the lighting or the focus. They all work great together, but they can each stand on their own as well, which I enjoyed.

  2. Your presentation was really engaging. At first I was just looking at the colors of the Empire State Building but as you moved to the more recent pictures–where the empire state building wouldn’t be the main focus–it was fun to try to look for it and to contrast it with your other pictures. Personally, I really liked the pictures you took on rainy days. My favorite would have to be the one with the Pepsi advertisement in it–since the Empire State Building it reminds me of Batman and Gotham City.

  3. Your pictures really caught my eye. At first I wasn’t sure where you were going with all the pictures of the empire state building but when you presented it really made me see things in a whole new light. I really like way you captured the light. I don’t know it was fascinating how each day had a new light set up and if there were two days with the same set up you always got it from a new perspective

  4. Your pictures were outstanding the fact that you already knew what your art was going to be about set you a part from others. The pictures came out great, I really like the pictures where the Empire State Building came out as green because the green hue gave it a very ominous view. The fact that you took a picture of the same thing over a month shows dedication and I really liked the fact that in order to keep things fresh you tweaked your photos a bit. Overall you have a great eye and the pictures came out fantastic.

  5. There is a mysterious quality in your work which resonates completely, but is somehow not quite palpable. As I had watched the reels go by it was as if nostalgia overcame me in a surreal moment. There is a sense of longing and loss in the pictures. You began taking pictures solely of the Empire State Building with it majestic neon tinged colors shining brightly in the night sky, but slowly chose other objects and things to feature. Though, as you began to drift away the the monolith structure, it was always quite there and present. Whether it had been a street lamp post or a fountain, one could always make out a small glimpse of the building. And this is what struck me the most. How you could always change and evolve the focus of your camera’s lens, though the Empire State Building would always remain. Waiting so to speak for you to capture it again.

  6. Your pictures are very interesting in that most of them are of the Empire State Building but are unique in their own way. I know it isn’t easy to take a picture of the same thing every day and still show something new, but you did a great job at it. The angles in some of your pictures are fascinating and the lighting is always perfect. My favorite picture still remains to be your first one with the Madison Ave sign. I don’t know why, but there is something special about that picture…

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