Zarif Week 1 Haikus

Heart beating loudly

There’s a round of excitement

We won the game


rain drops are pouring

everyone is adoring the sight

nature is unbound


green with orange hairs

clear crystals all in one strain

growing wild flowers


Beautiful innocence blossoming

Corrupted by a cruel world

Its gonna be a cold summer


Tear drops raining down

There’s a sad storm coming

The world is melancholy


Wearing black on black

Hitman by profession no second guessing

On the attack for the next victim


They signal change

But everything just remains the same

A government that is lost

3 thoughts on “Zarif Week 1 Haikus

  1. Waves splash against the shore
    Darkness fills the air
    Creating peace and tranquility

  2. One reoccurring theme throughout your two weeks of haikus seems to include descriptive language followed by a concluding sentence. In several of your haikus, it seems like you describe a moment or an experience, and in the last line come to some sort of conclusion regarding what you have seen. One such example is your haiku that concludes that nature is unbound. In a few of your poems you seem to follow a theme of nature, such as those regarding “growing wild flowers”. In some of your other haikus, you seem to portray a very real and genuine observation of the world. One such haiku is that in which you wrote about the truth setting you free. Just like your pictures portray a very genuine and real picture of your environment and your hometown, your poems seem to speak the truth and evoke authentic emotions. This week I wrote the poem above as I feel like it follows a similar theme to that which you have previously followed. I began the haiku by describing the atmosphere and then concluding that the aforementioned charachteristics create a peaceful environment.

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