Ryan’s Haikus

1. What is a haiku?

Is it a kind of poem?

Or an assignment….

2. Time to celebrate

Hockey season is now here

So, Let’s Go Rangers!

3. Haikus make me think

What is there to write about?

I have no idea.

4. No clue what to write

My mind is drawing a blank

..Bring back the pictures

5. 2 am haiku

Should have done it early, but..

Better late than never


3 thoughts on “Ryan’s Haikus

  1. Overall, you seem to employ very straightforward and simple word choices in your haikus. The subjects you tend to write about are usually about the act of writing a haiku. I feel like your haikus usually convey an inquisitive mood, sometimes showing your confusion or lack of direction. You tend to question yourself or other people in your haikus. Therefore, when I tried to emulate your style, I tried to make my tone more questioning and probing. I also tried to capture the mood of someone when they don’t know what they are doing or have no idea where to start. I also noticed that you used a lot of ellipses, which contribute to the sense of cluelessness that your haikus convey, so I also tried to incorporate that into the haiku. After reading your haikus, I feel like sighing because there is also a sense of restlessness and reluctance in your poems. Also, I feel like your daily photos really differ from your daily haikus in that your photos seem to convey a more uplifting mood.

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