Urban Word NYC: Feature Story

Urban Word NYC

Spoken word is spoken but definitely more than words. This art form is able to evoke the highest of emotions, so powerful that it can be transferred from the speaker to the listener in a matter of minutes, without the need for interpretation or analysis. The young artist on the stage, pouring his feelings out into the microphone, transmitting his thoughts throughout the room, create a sense of urgency, sympathy, and reality. Spoken word is a one of a kind art form that can provide the listener with sensations that no other art form can provide.

This form of poetry was created during the Harlem Renaissance, with the inspiration and background from blues and hip-hop music, consists of prose or verse that may contain alliteration or a meter and is written in the point of view of the poet. One can learn about everything there is to know for spoken word but he cannot truly understand it until he experiences it firsthand. One can read the poems, decipher the underlying meaning and themes, and break apart each word, but it is far from being the same. The uniqueness of spoken word is the oral aspect, hence it being named “spoken word”. It is most popular among young, aspiring writers and activists who have strong feelings about anything they may have experienced in their life or in general, such as politics, traumatic events, or simply their lifestyle.

The first time being at Urban Word NYC and listening to poetry slam is astounding. As stated before, it is not nearly the same: reading poetry that was intended to be oral. Sitting in the semi-crowded venue, the audience sat through each poet and without question, must have went through the whole range of emotions that possibly exist. They laughed, they cried; some of them even held anger for a few performers. Personally, being a first timer at the event, I enjoyed each and every poem. The passion that each performer put into it was amazing. Many of them were not much older than me, which inspired me. I have written spoken word before and am a big fan of rap music, so slam poetry is, as one would say, “right up my alley”.

One particular artist that stood out to me was a student from Columbia University. He couldn’t have been that much older than me. When he got on stage, he possessed a presence that was on a higher level than the rest of the previous performers. Instead of speaking about hardships, which was a common topic with many of the others, this student wrote on the successes and blessings he’s had, providing a positive light into the venue. He started off with a serious tone, describing his acceptance into a well-renowned Ivy League university, but included comic relief that gave the audience a breath of fresh air. He was extremely charismatic to say the least. This is what spoken word is all about. The enthusiasm and energy the writer puts in is fully received by the listeners and the response is immense. Just reading the words on a sheet of paper cannot even come close to evoking such emotions in a reader’s mind and soul.

This particular location is very popular and in retrospect, it was a good decision to come here and be a part of slam poetry, being there live. The connection one feels is similar to watching a dramatic scene from a movie, except much more emotional. One senses the pain or the delight that the speaker conveys and the language used is in and of itself. Spoken word is spoken, but it is more than just words, it’s the movement of passion.

*images found on google.com

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