blurb 2

Invitingly warm days bring delicious life to Battery Park. Not only do the smells of hallal food line the grounds, various street art vendors sit by their works, watching for possible customers. The artists’ bounty is endless: caricatures, cityscapes, Disney characters, abstract paintings, and more.  These aren’t famous or recognized artists, but more of that of ordinary New Yorkers, and it’s as if our surroundings and current culture are all captured here, in visual form. Each stand displays its own distinctive expression; they are life encased on square canvas. Buy a cold canned drink for a buck, and browse at your leisure on a sunny day!

review #1

The Mediaeval Period. The very first associations with the words are backwardness, lack of cultural advancement, the “Dark Ages”. We’ve learned about the illiteracy, rigid social hierarchy, and limited scope of thought. So what would a museum highlighting the Mediaeval Period have to offer? The Cloisters of the Metropolitan Museum of Art blows our notions clear out and replaces all with true awe. Architecture, paintings, cultural items, gardens, sculptures: the Cloisters Museum in Fort Tryon Park offers an engaging and uniquely gorgeous take on Mediaeval Art. Continue reading

Fashion’s Night Out

Streams of people, guided in and out of glass doors by the irresistible hand of Fashion, pack the streets. All around, huge letters and bright declarations of “Fashion Night’s Out” remind all of us of the obvious. How could one possibly ignore the hundreds of fashionistas (and fashionistos), each displaying their unique style, hustling from one store to another? And each store, all showcasing their own distinct, instantly recognizable concept, bursts with the latest of the latest! The free items, alcohol available everywhere, and storewide sales attract shoppers all down Broadway. The name captures it all. Fashion lives within us, so when we all join together in that commonality, fashion is having a marvelous night out.

Jenny Lee!

Taking the ferry from Manhattan to Staten Island is always the same yet always new. Some days, the view from the ferry seems like a picture on a screen that drifts further and further away from me. From inside, the water looks somewhat like an alien’s arctic landscape, the terrain changing at a ridiculously accelerated pace. It’s strange to imagine all the small molecules of the river shifting and rolling underneath my feet, working together to rock the ferry.