Blurb 1-Fashion Night Out

The annual crazy Fashion Night Out has arrived! The streets of Soho were incredibly crowded, making the excitement of the streets almost tangible. I step into Express and see three extremely tall girls taking pictures with their fans. At second glance, I realize they were Alison, Bianca, and Alexandria from America’s Next Top Model! Alexandria was featured in a display window, walking on a trend mill with her five inch beige heels, and showcasing her runway walk. The speakers were blasting the song “Just Can’t Get Enough,” making my ears ring. I was holding the over cheesed popcorn Express served, and observing that the air smelled like liquor, as I admired the pink make up on Alison’s face. All in all, Fashion Night Out is a great experience for those who have a desire for liquor, fashion, and free food.

Kelly Wu

Walking past by the lounge area at the 9th floor of Baruch’s Vertical Campus, I saw a large window with rainwater sliding and skimping across its surface. As the water receded, I noticed water bubbles of all shapes and sizes coating the surface of the window. The water bubbles created a three dimensional effect and pattern that captivated my attention as I start to head to class. Just coming back from lunch and unsuccessfully avoiding the downpour of rain, I can finally appreciate the calming effect of rain when I’m not drenched with it.