4 thoughts on “Kelly’s Weekly Photos

  1. It looks like you noticed a lot of patterns in the assortment of things. From the cake and drinks to the sheep and the monkeys, it seems that you have an eye for artistic assortment. I also noticed that you saw an article of clothing as art. That’s pretty interesting to me because I saw some really cool graphic tees the other day but it never occurred to me that they were art. Anyway, your gallery is really diverse so it gives a good sense of what you personally see as art. Clearly you’re someone that values the artistic merits of food, clothing and stuffed animals.

  2. Looking at my daily photos, I see a variety of different yet somewhat similar assortment of things. I notice that the objects that I take pictures of are usually of similar objects in a group or objects that are organized in an appealing and attractive layout. An object on its own might not be so special, but many objects combined can form a unique layout or convey a totally different vibe. Looking at my photos, I notice that I am attracted by the layout and format in which something is presented. A sort of parallelism is presented in my work in which objects are usually grouped together. In addition, a layer of optimism and hope unites all of my photographs. That is to say, I like to take pictures that appeal positively to the five senses. As I move forward, I would take care to notice objects in groups or arranged in some type of manner. I realize that the world around us has order and we naturally find objects either being grouped together or separated. I would like to document this with my photographs as I move this endeavor forward.

  3. Again, I see a variety of things in my weekly photos. One thing that all of my photos have in common is its display or grouping. The objects that I take note of tend to be objects that are grouped or displayed together in some sort of attractive layout or arrangement. Different layouts and arrangements can be seen anywhere from clothing stores, window displays, or simply in a normal street of New York and one only needs to take notice of it. My photos convey quite a vibrant and optimistic personality, seeing that I tend to take pictures of things that are comforting or appealing to look at. My photos also show that what I consider as art is something that is unique and attracts my attention. Seeing that everything around us is organized or arranged in a unique and different layout, I would continue to observe and document this with my photos. I want to discover the world around me using an artistic point of view, paying special attention to the grouping and arrangements around me. How something is arranged and displayed can be an art form in itself and I would like to pay attention to them rather than just walk past them like I used to do.

  4. Kelly, judging by vibrancy and gaudiness of you photographs I can clearly see you are a colorful character yourself. You are clearly compelled to photograph those things the pique your interests such as fashion, nature, culinary art, ect. with the commonality being the opulance and ostentation projected in the photographs. Something which struck me immediately upon my first view of the photographic arrangement was be harmony and a certain level of equilibrium pervading the display. The photographs seem to almost coalesce to an extent producing a remarkable unifying effect. The ever-present uniformity in your arrangement is an interest bi-product, but it would be nice to see some form of variable. Whether it be a portrayal of something with darker connotation, something unusual would be great asset to your work.

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