6 thoughts on “Anastasia’s Weeks in Photos

  1. My photos do not have a concrete theme, although that was the original intent. They do, however, share similar components of color and design. I always look for the surreal element in the objects I observe and take interest in (from their placement, to their color, to their sense of mystery) and I try to capture my moment of contemplation in the photos. I always search for the unusual and (ironically) often find the most intriguing images when I stop searching and let them find me. I hope to pursue this theme “hidden surrealism” as the weeks progress, but perhaps further unify my photos so that my objective becomes clearer to the viewer.

  2. firstly, I find your collection of moments very intriguing and appreciate their composition as photographs. I do feel like there is somewhat of a disconnect in terms of a specific theme between them, but I can agree that they all have a flavour of surrealism to them, especially your later photos. I find that sometimes, I take an artful photo rather than a photo of an artful moment I had, and wonder if that happens to you too? and also, I’d like to see photos from out in the city! I think you’ll find many contradictory and surrealistic elements around if you slow down and take your time (though that hard on manhattan’s sidewalks…). as pretty as your other photos are, the pink bunny photo draws my fascination the most. have fun taking pictures and defining your artfulness, Anastasia! 🙂

  3. Thanks Jenny! I really appreciate your input and I can certainly attest to your observation (that sometimes the photo itself is a lot more artful than the actual experience). I’ll try to look around a bit more and hopefully find surrealism where I least expect it 🙂

  4. Hey Anastasia C: I really like the direction your photos are taking. I definitely do see the surrealistic elements, and I love the range of colors represented in your collection. The photo of you and the photo of the batman appeal to me in particular. I actually think your pictures involving people (even an imaginary and inflatable one like batman) are my favorite. They convey the sense of a person in strange circumstances/ a strange world. How was finding scenes to photograph last week? easier?

  5. Thank you! I’m glad that the theme is developing a bit. I would definitely say that it’s easier, only because it comes so naturally now. Every moment seems that much more artful with a different perspective.

  6. As I look at my photos now, I see that my theme is developing quite a bit; surrealism is conveyed through color schemes, angles, subject matter, and atmosphere. Again, there is no one subject I aim to capture, but I am happy to see that I am developing a clearer outlook on my life and observations. I will try to focus more on color, and see how a certain palette can truly make an ordinary scene stand out.

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