Category: Seminar 1: The Arts in NYC

Who Are You?

This project is about Muslims in this age that are trying to find themselves in their religion, and yet are pushed out by others because they do not fit the “typical Muslim” mold: they are gay, they wear jewelry, they play music, etc.

H.R Giger

This is a video about H.R Giger and his artwork. He is most famous for his airbrushed paintings and his work in the movie Alien.

The Bailey Fountain

This displays the historical context of the Bailey Fountain and Grand Army Plaza. Additionally, there is some creative intervention about how this monument can be altered.

Toxic Friendships

This triptych shows the progression of a toxic friendship, from happiness and love to betrayal and anger to letting go and finding peace. Here is a link to my project with my voiceover:

Stages of Friendship

The evolution of friendship from childhood becomes a vital part of one’s experiences and life. The negative and positive moments coexist in one’s mine, working together to create a person. I want to inspire memories within my audience when they see these images.