Creative Assignment 2 by Jason Tong, Anthony Chen, and Vincent Gangemi

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  1. Chris Angelidis

    I really enjoyed the progression in your film. You make a clear connection to Moritz’s struggle in coping with the stress of high academic achievement and allude to the existence of a greater purpose outside of academics. While Anthony spent hours on end studying for test after test, in the end, all he got out of that effort was a C. This lack of accomplishment drove him to suicide, as he endured endless bullying in hope that his studies would help him in the end. Should he have found a greater sense of self outside of his academics, perhaps he would have survived to enjoy life. Ultimately, this movie reminds me of the discussion we had in class about grades. While grades are clearly important, they cannot be a man’s sole purpose in life or else he will lose his humanity.

  2. Stella Kang

    I think it’s really interesting how you guys added doubling into your video. The synchronicity of the two voices made their statement even more powerful. I think it’s because it conveyed the idea that both Jason and Vincent believed so much in what they were saying that conveying the message in unison was something simple. At the same time it portrayed feelings of control, as if their opinions were something forced upon them, something learned rather than experienced. I think Anthony’s voice over was powerful as well, because he sounded very emotional but his face while studying was casual, which added a really interesting contrast.

  3. chynellemenezes

    Great use of a disembodied voice! Having an internal monologue gave us a lot on insight on Anthony’s thoughts. I especially liked the ending where the screen went black. It was sudden and had the right startling effect. I also loved the quote at the end. It was relevant to the video and the struggles of many people everyday.

  4. Brandon Green

    I think that this video is a great adaptation of Wedekind’s Spring Awakening. The video perfectly represents the inner struggle of an honors student and the standards that we are held to. It was an interesting twist that Anthony was an honors student and not a slacker like Moritz, this difference truly resonated with me as I was able to relate to the endless hours of study required to maintain a high gpa.

  5. ireneyao

    Like a lot of other people who commented I really enjoyed how you used doubling in your video. It really brought out a feeling of being superior from the bullies. Also your script was very funny and different. The black and white scene with disembodied voice was very clearly put and emphasized the internal struggle that he went through. Many people could also relate to this video and the thought process and events that lead to suicide.

  6. ashleyskaria

    Great video guys! I really liked how the scenes followed chronologically. Anthony would not have killed himself if he wasn’t bullied. The bullying and added academic failure caused him to lose control over his life. I like how the viewers did not see Anthony actually pull the gun to kill himself, like in the play Spring Awakening.

  7. Zuzanna Osiecka

    This video is a reality for a lot of students in middle school, in high school and even in college. A lot of students have pressure put on them by their family and friends to the point where they do not see any other choice but to get perfect grades. I love that you are showing the effects of peer pressure and bullying, and how it can push someone as far as committing suicide. I love how you related it to Spring Awakening and included the quote at the end.

  8. borysshturman

    This was a really moving and depressing video of how students could succumb to all the different pressures they have to deal with. This video portrays a student that couldn’t deal with his life anymore, from all the bullies to failing his parents expectations, he didn’t see a reason to live anymore. Clearly there is a problem here and much needs to be done to society to avoid tragic cases like this. Students need more help with handling all the problems in their lives.

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