Dear All,

A few important announcements:

1- Please pay attention to your audio. If you’re recording straight from the computer (voice over), make sure you rehearse it beforehand so that you know how your voice sounds when a mic is activated, it usually changes a bit, particularly in how you pause, and the overall tone of your voice.

2- In the same vein, I’m sharing the tutorial below so that you can understand more in depth the options for audio editing iMovie offers.

3- Professor Tenneriello and I have decided that I should have meetings with each of the groups for specific feedback. I’d like to schedule these in the next few days (virtually and via Google hang out preferably) so that you have time to make any edits. Please email me as soon as possible (my email is on the homepage of this site) to schedule these, and if you can, send me a rough cut of your video before we meet. Meetings can be short depending on where you are with your project.


Have a great class!
