Benjamin Mishail, Lorena Rodriguez, Katelyn Villacres and Gavi Zahler

The Spotted Lanternfly is a popular invasive species that has recently surfaced in New York City. Our project explores the destructive nature of the Spotted Lanternfly and how urbanization perpetuates its survival. More importantly, we emphasize how important it is for us, as a community, to take action and “squash the bug” so that we can protect our local ecosystems.

Click here to access our video recording!

If you’re interested in the data we used to analyze the growth of the Spotted Lanternfly in NYC, check out these iNaturalist observations!

This project was created by Benjamin Mishail, Lorena Rodriguez, Katelyn Villacres and Gavi Zahler from Macaulay at Queens College

Our Presentation

SLF-in-NYC-PresentationView this PDF in a new window.

Image Gallery

The Life Cycle of the Spotted Lanternfly
Reported Sightings of the Spotted Lanternfly in NYC (based on iNaturalist data)
Reported Sightings of the Spotted Lanternfly in NYC, Active Months (based on iNaturalist data)