Theodore Gikunoo, Angeles Guazhambo, Patricia Prado, and Danielle Sederovich

Tranquility in a City that Never Sleeps

Tranquility in the city that never sleeps: The idea itself seems counterintuitive. If it never sleeps, never turns off the lights, never stops the noise on the street, how can there be any tranquility in it? This exhibit explores the idea of a break from the busyness of the Big Apple through parks in New York City. Although some calmness and rest are necessary for any Big City function, now more than ever, as people begin their return to normality after the COVID lockdowns, the value of taking a literal breath of fresh air increases. The curators behind Tranquility in the City that Never Sleeps hope to show students how calming certain parts of the city can really be through photographs of a variety of parks and a soundtrack of noises that anyone might hear upon stepping into one of these parks and away from the loud city streets.