What September Means to Me

From the pre-school age of two to the high school age of 18, I dreaded the month of September. If you don’t believe me, check out the video of me wearing sunglasses during nap time at “Miss Rita’s,” clenching the end of my mother’s checkered skirt, babbling about wanting the “sun, sun, sun” to play […]


The Sound Heard Around Brookdale Campus

Macaulay students dorming at Hunter College’s Brookdale Campus were in for a rude awakening—quite literally—upon moving in this August. Residents have reported a wide variety of different sounds that induce sleepless nights, ranging from panicked yelling to sirens blaring from trucks that rattle as if they’re ready to come unhinged at any second. These sounds […]

Lessons on Mindfulness

Finals are approaching at lightning speed, and you can’t stop thinking about those looming papers and exams. You know that soon, you’ll be frantically rushing to cram everything in while still getting just enough sleep to function. Thoughts of “I should’ve done this before” and “I have to do this, this and this in the […]

The East River: A Runner’s Journey

Sunlight streams through the windows; it seeps through the crevices and penetrates into the minds of even those who have been hibernating — more like barricading — themselves from the call of spring. But, what exactly does the call of spring entail? The call to run. The occasional runner skillfully dodging a startled pedestrian is […]

The Bias Within History

In the face of great change in this generation, many of us are beginning to question information of the past. “History repeats itself” is an infamous saying that spans across all horizons, but remains true at every core. Just as the Enlightenment during the Scientific Revolution was centered around fact-checking and deriving the legitimacy of […]
