The History of Black History Month

February is dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating the achievements of African Americans. We honor a history of excellence in literature, science, art, philosophy, activism and social justice.  We commemorate those who have risen above hardships with resilience. We seek to acknowledge the unrecognized for their contributions to our societal foundation. In 1916, a Harvard doctorate […]

Let’s Appreciate History

In celebration of Black History Month, I figured it’d be fitting to write an appreciation post about history. But, rather than focusing on specifically black history, I’m here to make a case for history as a whole.“History” gets a bad rap because of what we’re accustomed to as students (assuming like me, you’re not a […]

A World Beyond Our Own

For years, scientists have known that Earth is something special. Its distance from the sun allows for the perfect amount of light and heat to enter the atmosphere, giving us the perfect temperature and energy to sustain life. While the debate about the origin of said life still continues, no one can deny that Earth […]

Macaulay Takes on Madama Butterfly at Metropolitan Opera

As a part of the Macaulay Honors core curriculum, students participate in four special seminar courses that help them understand New York City through unique perspectives involving arts, the sciences, and unique trips. According to the Macaulay Honors website, these seminars “feature primary research, classroom learning and hands-on experiences that use New York City as […]